Thailand Tree Nursery


Thailand Nursery Standard root ball tree farming own land own farm Tropical plants Ornamental Trees Thailand nursery tree export




Welcome to Thailand Tree Farm, the revitalizing Greenery Builder here to help you decorate and transform your property into the lush and tranquilly.

Thespesia populnea


We quantified tree production per tree species. Including standardizing the surrounding wood to meet the needs.

Peltophorum pterocarpum


Complete facilities for preparing trees before loading into containers for export. Taking close care of the quality of the trees and managed by professional gardeners

Thailand Tree Export


Shipment handling team that will manage every shipment on time. Quality control under import regulations of each country by a professional logistics team



Thailand has grown a root ball tree industry that sells to other countries during the last 30 years. Traditional root ball tree planting cannot meet the need for enclosures in the present or the future. While there is still much to be improved, the tree farming method is now the most effective means of producing trees in large quantities that meet species-specific requirements. Our contribution to the global and domestic green economy is negligible. A vital component in growing different kinds of trees is the nursery network, which is the way to make the world green.

Thailand Tree Farm Transplants

We are Thailand Tree Farm

Thailand Tree Farm, has begun producing rootballed trees that adhere to worldwide standards. We have a plentiful supply of each tree species and plant variety to fulfil the demands of the market or the needs of the specific location where they will be planted. It also supports the import regulations of each nation, as well as the proper transportation of trees during transplants in accordance with international standards.

We began farming our first tree plots on our own property in Suphanburi Province. The driving time from Bangkok is about 2.30 hours or 185 kilometers. And over the past year, we have increased our planting area from an initial 40,000 sq m to more than 500,000 sqm year 2023, with the aim of reaching 5 million sqm after year 2025.

We have to produce standard rootballed trees that meet international requirements and manage international trade to meet the needs of everyone’s projects because the management team comes from a farming family in the provinces of Thailand and has grown in the export business for more than 30 years.

From  small seeds treat with care until they germinate and are planted in the ground to develop a tree with a beautiful crown and healthy before preparing to export with a variety of species, sizes, and gorgeous forms.

Thailand Tree Nursery
Quality Seeds Thai Tree Farm
Healthy Young Plants Thai Tree Farm
Modern Thai Tree Farm


Our Rootballed Trees

Trees produced from our farms We have standardized our hedges by adhering to ANSI 300 standards in production. All trees are grown from NON-GMO quality seeds and pruned to meet standards. as well as taking care of various plant diseases to meet international standards for export.

Nursery Production Methods

Growing trees from seed ensures that the tree has a complete taproot system. Systematic care of young seedlings on the farm Standard pruning Pest care Giving fertilizer systematically To get the perfect tree before digging around. and delivered accordingly

Thailand Tree Farm
Pattra Garden Thailand Tree Farm

Acacia farnesiana, Albizia lebbeck, Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia purpurea, Bauhinia variegata, Bombax ceiba, Cassia Fistula, Cassia Nodosa, Cordia sebestena, Dalbergia sisso, Delonix Regia, Delonix Regia, Ficus religiosa, Ficus Altissima, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Lagerstroemia floribunda, Millingtonia Hortensis, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Pithecellobium dulce, Plumeria Obstusa, Samanea saman, Tabebubia Argentina, Tabebuia chrysotricha, Tabebuia Pentaphylla, Tabebuia Rosea, Tecoma Stan, Terminalia Catapa, Terminalia Ivorensis, Terminalia Mantaly




Great gardens and landscapes are designed as a result of the natural beauty of plants, using plants that are adapted to their particular area to produce visually pleasing landscapes. The expanded list of the plants we grow and connect around Thailand.

Bombax ceiba

Bombax ceiba The Bombax ceiba is a...